
New Life!

Dilemma New Life! Could it be? I thought an orchid that my neighbor had given me was dead. It had been so long since it had flowered, months! It looked like two green sticks with a few green leaves, an alien with antennas. I figured, watering it produced… Read More »New Life!

Pressed Flowers

My thoughts- A pressed flower retains its color. I think of the song I woke up singing. “ Who Am I” by Casting Crowns “I am a flower quickly fading here today and gone tomorrow”. My color is kept by being pressed. What does that mean? It is… Read More »Pressed Flowers


Do you believe in miracles? I do. When traveling to our new destination in Las Vegas we were able to respite at our friend’s family’s home. One morning when I awakened a thought crossed my mind. It went like this. Hmmm, you are staying at the home of… Read More »Miracles


Wow, we have been in Las Vegas for one month. The terrain is like no other that we have lived in. The Valley of Fire was beautiful. Incredible landscapes, petroglyphs, and wildlife highlighted our adventure. Our oldest Nevada grandson turned seven yesterday. His request was to play in… Read More »NATURE AND ITS WONDERS

Last Leg to Vegas

Happiest of Birthdays to our youngest daughter. She brings so much light and love into our lives. Three songs were on my heart when I woke up today. Promises-Maverick City Voice of One-Gina Praino Return to your Fortress-Gina Praino I am grateful that we stopped traveling when we… Read More »Last Leg to Vegas

Breathe Deep, Seek Peace

Song for the day: Speak to the Mountains -Chris McClarney Speak to the Mountains -Chris McClarney https://youtu.be/r5zP14_8meo Our journey west continues day 3. We got up early and spent time catching up with our dear friend, Michelle. Yearly, she and I have a standing date to walk through… Read More »Breathe Deep, Seek Peace

The Wild Frontier

The wild frontier for us is Las Vegas. Farmer Mike was presented with an opportunity to lead the tech department at a flagship site of Pitney Bowes. How could he refuse? So we are on our way west! Some may ask, why at this point in your life… Read More »The Wild Frontier

Calendula magic

Wow, this year Our Farm was determined to grow enough calendula to make salves, tea, infused oil, etc. The decision was made to plant a larger crop of this versatile herb. We did and they are flourishing along with calendula volunteers, flowers that reseeded themselves from last year’s… Read More »Calendula magic